In the Christmas Spirit

Chimneys of Hell

The Chimneys of Hell Are In Russia

Story of Coal

coal, story of coal, video


Great video propaganda but also very serious facts

Global CO2 Emissions to Hit Record High

Smog Over L.A.

Does WiFi Kill Trees?

Could radiation from trees be killing trees?

Viral Cities


Viral Cities

A possible reference for other groups

This is one of my professors from undergrad, his firm may be a possible source of reference for some of the other groups. He is a pioneering architect in sustainability and systems thinking.

Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems



The Generic City

A very interesting urban idea about the city becoming an information exchange network.

The Generic City | Milos Zivkovic

Triple threat

Absolutely fascinating short article on some botanical innovations being made that could prove to be incredibly helpful.

Neon Trees

Neon Trees

Interesting article relating crime and trees…

Does Planting More Trees Reduce Crime?

Portland Trees